The English dictionary defines plagiarism as “an act or instance of using or closely imitating the language and thoughts of another author without authorization and the representation of that author’s work as one’s own, as by not crediting the original author”. Considering this, a check for plagiarism online is good for the original author, as well as for the one who inspires himself from an academic thesis, for example.
You May Now Check Plagiarism Online
Check for plagiarism online is a tool that can be used by employers or teachers also. If you are a professor, and you have to correct student’s homework, try using a plagiarism check online too. Like this, you will discover how many pages are alike. It is the same for dissertations; in the literature background chapter you have to state what other previous studies have been developed, until yours in the researched field. Try not to copy-paste paragraphs from the original publication. Even if you spin the needed content, pass it through an online plagiarism check, in order to ensure it looks quite original. The authors of some well-known articles or books may check for plagiarism online. Like this, they may find out if their work has been copied by other writers.
How to Check for Plagiarism Online Using Check Grammar Online
To find out if a text is original, you have to paste its content into the blank field provided on our web page and press the correction button. The software will verify thousands of writings to find plagiarism. If it finds that your text presents plagiarism, check for plagiarism online will show you the original writing. Avoiding plagiarism is important in the development of our culture, imagination and creativity. Especially for parents and tutors is important to perform an online plagiarism check of children’s homework.