If you are not good in English spelling, don’t worry because you can still be a good writer with the help of MS Word and several English grammar correctors. Spelling is very important, knowing the fact that there are words that spell similarly to each other and so once you misspell a word, you might end up referring to another English word.
For example, you misspelled the word “complement” as “compliment”. Because these words have their own meaning, it follows that the thought of your sentence is altered as well. That’s why here are some of the simple things you can do to improve your skills in spelling:
How to English Spelling Check
Most writers, if not all, are very thankful for the proofreading features of MS Word such as the automatic detection of misspelled words and grammatical errors. Through these features, you can now easily identify any error within your work because these are automatically highlighted (red for wrong spelling and green for wrong grammar).
When you right-click the highlighted word or phrase, you will see suggestions on how to correct the certain error in your work. However, you have to make it clear whether you need to use US English or UK English language for MS Word.
You also have to make sure that the Spelling & Grammar feature is activated before going on with your work. At the same time, it is advised to take note of the words you misspelled so that when you are writing in a Non-MS Word platform, you can spell it correctly.
There are websites that are intended to hone your spelling skills through fun games and tests. Many of these are focused on solving your problem with confusing words as well as on helping you keep in mind the correct spelling of some difficult words. Additionally, taking these English spell check tests will also give you an idea on how well you are when it comes to English Spelling.
Good thing that there is now a wide variety of practice English grammar online and word games available online. These games include Text Twist, Scrabble, Book Worm, Hangaroo, and many more. This is a fun way to help you practice your spelling skills and to learn new words that you can use for your writing.
Check English spelling online today!